Toxic chemicals are continuously released into the environment. These chemicals end up hurting the land, water, and air. Toxic pollution is a massive threat to the future of the planet and the life it supports. Pollutants cause serious health problems in humans such as respiratory complications, developmental disorders, and cancer, among others. The wildlife and the environment are equally affected by toxic chemicals.
Here are some examples of toxic pollution problems that the world has to deal with.
Lead-Acid Battery Recycling
Lead-acid recycling is a big business in most parts of the world. Although it serves to reduce the volume of solid wastes that end up in landfills, these batteries contain high concentrations of toxic elements. Lead acid batteries contain toxic metals such as lead oxide, which leads to pollution of land and water bodies.
Ore Mining – Mercury and Lead Pollution
Exposure to mercury and lead poses devastating effects to both flora and fauna. These two chemicals are mostly associated with mining and ore processing. Once in the body, these metals are very hard to remove. They are associated with all manner of health and genetic disorders in human beings and wildlife.
al Pesticides
Pesticides are mainly used to protect plants from destructive pests. It is estimated that about 2 million metric tonnes of pesticides are used in agriculture. This means that tons of pesticides are dumped in the fields, which end up in our foods and water bodies. Unfortunately, chemical-based pesticides do more harm than good as far as pollution is concerned. Pesticides might lead to skin irritation, damage to the nervous system, or even cancer.
Industrial Effluents
Wastewater is essentially water that has been altered and gets its way back into water bodies. Industrial wastewater might have high concentrations of chemicals, or it could be thermally altered. Each of these alterations poses real threats to both human health and aquatic life.
Coal Mining – Sulfur Dioxide and Mercury
Coal mines release sulfur dioxide and mercury into the environment. Though often overlooked, a high concentration of these elements in the atmosphere poses severe threats to human health. Mercury, for instance, damages the brain and nervous system. Sulfur dioxide, on the other hand, can cause lung cancer, asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory ailments.